Make sure your volume is on and press the play button on the left to hear a helpful audio message from your High-Performance Copywriter. 😎 😎 😎😎 😎 😎😎 😎 😎
I am so glad you are finally ready to say YES to success. My name is Darrell DiZoglio. I am a Sales, Advertising and Marketing Writer/Writing Expert aka High-Performance Copywriter with 30+ years of success driving business revenues, market share and profits by selling to consumers and businesses with words. Unlike a regular Writer/Typist, expert Copywriters focus on the words that sell and actually produce results/sales aka return on investment. After 33 years of experience, research and study, I can assure you I know how to create the words that sell 24-7 for your business, website, LinkedIn profile, advertising campaign etc. What really delights me professionally though, is hearing back from my clients who have received sales results in abundance. Thus, my clients gave me the High-Performance Copywriter title.
I use many time-tested and proven techniques in my powerful sales writing that sells for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
1. I paint word pictures of beneficial outcomes, which are so clear in your target market's mind they compel
people to buy from you right now. "Once you experience a vacation in the Majestic beauty of Yosemite
Park with balmy summer-time breezes, stunning vistas, abundant wildlife, and bubbling brooks that
shimmer in the sunlight while hungry brook trout lurk beneath the surface, you will have to come back
again and again."
2. I use the direct sales approach that appeals most to your target market, answers their objections,
silences their fears and reminds them that they want these results. Thus, there's simply no other option
but to buy now so they can have them.
3. I use reverse psychology, and exclusivity because luxury products and high ticket items like the Rolex
Two-Tone Submariner watches are definitely not for everyone, only the lucky few.
4. I tell testimonial stories that motivate, encourage and sell effectively without pressure, yet leave the
prospect feeling as if they will lose out if they fail to purchase right now.
5. I build value and sell based on incontrovertible evidence, so any sane person will agree buying now is the
action they want to take.
6. I use trade secret "trigger phrases" that produce an automatic reflex action. Think of a life guard yelling
"Shark" at the beach in Miami, Florida. That is a trigger phrase.
7. I use routine follow up to follow through and close the deals from prospects who had to think about it
because they are very cautious people in a recession, have multiple decision makers or they were short on
funds during the first sales presentation/effort.
8. I believe in multi-generational messaging vs. having different campaigns/websites/landing pages to cater to
baby boomers, generation x, y, or z. Having efficient, streamlined, and thrifty sales copy just makes sense.
I use my expertise, research, consumer psychology, competitive intelligence and 30 years of trade secrets, many gained from experience listening to client feedback on various advertising/marketing campaigns. I strive to continuously improve. My clients consistently say I generate excellent results. Thanks to my wonderful clients, I am still one of the busiest, happiest, and most recommended experts on LinkedIn today (please order/set appointments in advance if possible).
So, your Website Designer/Developers did not include the words that sell 24-7 in your business website too eh? Well, that's sad, but ab-sol-ute-ly normal these days since most projects are outsourced overseas to the lowest labor cost countries, with the most advantageous currency exchange rates (think typists paid 18 cents an hour NG). Why does this happen? Well people are frequently conditioned to look for the lowest price, which is simply nonexistent, not appropriate, and a futile strategy in any business arena because products, services, places and people need to be sold. The relentless, mission-critical focus must be your return on investment from an expert selling with words that sell 24-7 (aka a High-Performance Copywriter). Invest in your business, and reap the rewards for years to come.
Darrell DiZoglio ~ High-Performance Copywriter, Sales & Marketing Consultant ~ [email protected] ~ Mobile: 469.540.0455
Winners Focus on the Return on Investment and
Always Keep Your Eyes on the Prize.
Always Keep Your Eyes on the Prize.